WIXBIO is a technology service company specializing in the export of veterinary vaccines, feed additives and test reagents.

Our Idea: Healthier animals, healthier people.

Corporate Culture: People centric, things first.

Band Culture: Founded in Zhengzhou in 2019, WIXBIO advocates the scientific breeding idea of “prevention is better than treatment”. Being market-oriented, WIXBIO brings well-known vaccine bands together and builds a comprehensive platform to provide customers with competitive and reliable products and services.

R&D Team: consists of masters and doctors from Shandong Binzhou Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine Academy, Sino-British Centre for Research on Avian Diseases and Sino-Israel Centre for Research on Avian Diseases.

Technology and Service: provide professional technical guidance, training on products and animal breeding and custom-made products according to the corresponding epidemic diseases and market.

Our products include vaccines, test reagents, feed additives and rumen-protected products for cattle and sheep.

Bestsellers: Newcastle Disease Vaccine, Inactivated (Strain rGM-VII), Infectious Bursal Disease Immune-complex Vaccine (Strain CF), Foot and Mouth Disease Trivalent Vaccine, Inactivated (Type O, Strain OHM/02 + Type A, Strain AKT-III +Type Asia 1, Strain Asia 1 KZ/03) (Suspension Culture), Brucellosis Vaccine, Live (Strain A19), Combined Vibrio Alginolytica Vibrio Anguillarum and Edwardsiessa Disease Anti-idiotypic Antibody Vaccine, Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine, Inactivated (Type O, Strain O/Mya98/XJ/2010+Strain O/GX/09-7), Porcine Circovirus Vaccine Type 2, Inactivated (Strain DBN-SX07), Inactivated Rabies Vaccine (Strain CVS-11), Glucose Oxidase, test reagents for food safety and disease diagnosis, high-end health care products for cattle and sheep, such as rumen-protected products, Ca2+BOOST (calcium supplement bolus for freshening cows), TotalSeal (intramammary teat sealant for dairy cows), etc.








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